Traveling with Jewelry

Traveling with Jewelry

Whether you’re on a weekend road trip, or traveling abroad, packing for a trip can be a little tricky. Deciding what to wear and how much to pack is always a tedious task. Often times, bringing unique jewelry and accessories can allow you to wear one outfit in many different ways. Adding different jewelry to your look is an option that allows you to pack and wear one outfit, but get more than one day’s use out of the look.

Even though bringing jewelry on your trip can lighten your suitcase, there are still many factors of which you should be mindful. You want to be sure that your bracelets, necklaces, and earrings don’t become damaged while traveling, you also want to keep them safe. At IOBI we know you care about your accessories, so here we’ve compiled some tips and tricks for safely packing and traveling with your jewelry.

Packing Your Jewelry

In order to save space in your luggage, you can’t always bring all of the boxes and cases you might keep your jewelry in at home. You also don’t want to simply throw all of your gems and chains into one bag. Here are some ideas for storing your jewelry in a way that will protect it from damage:

1. Necklaces

Necklaces can be the most difficult to transport because the chains can become easily kinked or tangled. When you are on the road, thread your necklace through a drinking straw. This will keep the chain from being caught or knotted when it’s stowed away.

anchor necklace

2. Rings

Rings, being so small, can easily get lost in the shuffle. To keep your rings safe and easy to find, you can attach them to the plastic cap of a pen or marker. This will make them both easier to find, and protect them from clinking against other jewelry. You can store all of your pen-capped rings in a plastic sandwich bag.

wedding band

3. Earrings

Earrings are small and can be separated from their mates when you’re on the road. You can store earrings in a contact case to keep them together without getting dinged by one another. You can also hook your earrings in a button; like the pen cap, this will make them easier to find. If you’re traveling with bigger styles, you can poke two holes into a business card to support your larger earrings.

pearl earrings

earring case

Keeping Your Jewelry Safe

While packing your jewelry to avoid damage is important, you also want to keep it protected from potentially becoming lost or stolen. Here are a few steps you can take to protect your precious belongings, both while you’re traveling and once you’ve reached your destination:

1. Take Pictures

Before you leave for your trip, take a quick picture of all of the jewelry you intend to bring with you. This will help you avoid any confusion on your trip, as to what you might have packed. It will also give you a reference for locating pieces in the event they go missing on your trip.

2. Keep Your Jewelry in Your Carry-On

Checked bags can be left unattended, as well as mishandled. By keeping your jewelry on your person, you are aware of not only where it is at all times, but how it is being treated.

3. Beware of Pickpockets

If you know you may be traveling in an area known for pickpockets, be conscious of the jewelry you’re wearing. Tucking your necklace into your shirt, and twisting the stones on your rings to face your palm, will help you to avoid attracting the attention of potential thieves.

4. Use Your Hotel Safe

If you’re not wearing your jewelry, store it in your hotel safe. This will ensure that no one but you can access it.


Your jewelry can transform your look when you’re traveling. It can take your outfit from day to night, without having to pack quite so many outfits. There’s no reason to be afraid to travel with your favorite necklace, bracelets, or rings. If you follow these tips and remain conscientious of your belongings, you should have no trouble safely traveling with your precious jewelry.

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