Ring Sizing Chart
Ring sizes listed are in US sizing standards. If you do not know your ring size we suggest the following: 1 - Get a non-stretchy string or paper about 6" long and 1/4" wide. 2 - Wrap around the base of your finger. It has to fit snug, but not too tight, it needs to be comfortable to wear. 3 - Mark the point on the string/paper where it overlaps forming a circle. 4 - Lay the paper/string out on a ruler to determine the measurement. Ring finger measuring tips: Make sure your finger is at a normal body temperature as fingers can shrink or expand when cold or hot. If your knuckle is much larger than your finger’s base, take two separate measurements and choose a size in between. You want a ring to fit over your knuckle, but not be too loose or it will shift around. If you know your ring size in international standards we can convert to US standard using the conversion chart found here We can compare your measurements to the actual ring to ensure fit.